(免佣)獨立小型食物工場(真實圖片 -地點-觀塘(可約睇) - 乾淨企理 - 隨時可以開始 即租即用 - 適合外賣,烘焙,中央廚房 - 獨立工場 1不需頂手費 已有牌照。 - 基本設備:鮮風,抽氣,來去水,冷氣,隔油池 (包維 修) -已包四門雪櫃,(可協助增加設備提供意見) -仲有不鏽鋼工作枱 - 不需付佣金 地鐵站行3分鐘內到岩晒交收出貨

嘉寶日用是集自主設計、研發、生產、銷售於一體的現代化企業,開發生產壓克力餐桌用品,酒吧用品,胡椒磨和衛浴套裝等系列產品,在國內領先開創了使用壓克力材料生產餐飲及家庭用品的先河。 公司自成立起,經過不斷的摸索、創新,開發出了PC、PP保鮮盒、PC水晶果盤,PC水杯、PC防滑托盤,餐盤蓋、份數盤、杯框、餐車餐桌、餐廳後廚儲備用品、酒店用品等全系列餐飲及家庭用品.....

Stylish interior2 spacious Bedrooms with open seaviewA fully equipped designer open kitchen complete with all built-in a

We offers a wide range of products including artificial trees with natural trunks & plant with pot etc.
D鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽DB Plants Manufacturing Co Ltd

products: Floral material:large Cymbidium, Floral material:Tulip & Ornithogalum, Floral material:Calla Lily, Floral material:Hyacinthus, Rose & Eustoma.
m鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球monarch floral

Products ROSE LA LOGGIA flower box bouquet basket grand opening wedding wedding flower arrangement wedding decoration
A鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Agnes b fleuriste

提供專業廚房裝修(時尚風格廚櫃設計) (高質選料訂造廚櫃)

設計師Studio, deluxe, contemporary, italy, fully furnished, open kitchen, designer apartment

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

Thus, we can provide a wide range of baby products. In particular, we specialized in making gift sets containing soft and hard goods.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾盈豐嬰兒用品有限公司

D'note chooses products from japan because they are more suited to the hair texture of asians.D'note also has a variety of products to suit the needs of different customers

送30天保用 可自動製冰 慳電 夠凍 美觀 即買即用 強化玻璃層架 三門雪櫃 牌子: Hitachi 型號: R-S31 顏色: 珍珠白 新浄程度: 95%新 狀態: 機件100%正常 體積: 54CM寬 X 62CM深 X 173CM高 售價: $1999 (原價: $5697) 付款方式  1.貨到現金付款 2.貨到信用卡付款(需提前通知) 3.送貨前匯款/轉數快/PAY ME付
家居 / 廚櫃電器優惠店

尖沙咀區,包全屋傢電,合商務及長租人士 Full furniture with washing machine and mini kitchen

Our product design and application engineers can support both OEM and ODM business with products having CE, FCC, ROHs and other certificates in meeting the requirement of different regions.

飼養寵物魚比其他貓狗動物簡單很多 可幫助小朋友有效逐步建立恆心及責任心 包活包健康 免費快递到你的地址 Guaranteed Alive and Healthy Free courier service to your address (1) 24K全黃金大耳孔雀魚 24K Full Golden Dumbo Guppy (2) 白金大耳紅尾孔雀魚 Dumbo Red Tail

About Us Autodesk Software Download Starting in 2010, software download will replace CDs and DVDs as the default method of delivering software upgrades to most Autodesk Subscription customers worldwi

一房两厅連開放式廚房, 2分鐘到鵝頸橋街市,生活配套極度方便近在咫尺! 實用420尺,大廳大房大廚房!裝修包傢俬和電器,間隔實用,電器齊全,拎包即住!二十四小時保安,交通生活配套方便王安全!2分鐘到時代廣場,鵝頸橋街市,銅鑼灣地鐵站! 豪華裝修:設電視,洗衣機乾衣機,微波爐,消毒碗碟機,煮食爐,抽油煙機,濾水器,熱水煲,標準上下兩層雪櫃,吸塵機,真皮梳化,食飯枱, 電視櫃,書枱/梳妝台,冷氣機
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